Saturday, February 11, 2012

Valentine's Day

OMG!!! I so hate myself for disappearing and not updating for so long. I missed blogging about Christmas, New Year and Chinese New Year.

Been so busy with my life even though I been jobless for 3 months and nephew that i totally forgot about blogging. But anyway, I'm back and i sure hope i don't get so caught up in life again till i forget to blog.

Valentine's day is coming. It makes me feel sick. I have not celebrated Valentine's day for a long time as i hate seeing all those lovey dovey couples on the street while I'm alone.

I have long forgotten about how it feels to spend Valentine's with the special one you love and i have a feeling that even though I'm now attached, I'm still gonna spend V day alone this year.

Apparently, sweetie doesn't really celebrate such occasions. He feel that it is nonsense, waste of time and money.

To be honest, I am really disappointed and upset over it. I just want to spend that special day with him.

It doesn't matter if we are not dining at a nice restaurant. I do not approve of spending this much money on this day too.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't give me any flowers. In fact, he doesn't even know what my favourite flowers are.

Why doesn't he understand that all girls love to be pampered especially on this day?

I just want to spend that special day with my special someone but i doubt it's gonna happen at all.

I'm going to dwell in my misery until that day is over unless a miracle happens.

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Officially engaged!

He finally popped the question and I said YES! From now he will be known as SMF instead of SMBF! =)